this post be sponsored by: Tom Hooper (as himself).

It is very nice to see Applegate give a nod to real-world things that totally suck for teenagers (and anyone!) to go through (like parental rejection, divorce, losing friendships), especially tying it into the plot so fluidly? Kudos to you, Applegate. (also totally not sure if it was a real question BUT outdoor house cats are AWFUL for local ecosystems 80% of the time & should not be a thing especially Lady Catelyn being FIV+) (keep her safe, keep the feral cats safe) (kudos to Lady Catelyn, too, Tom Hooper would have employed her in a heartbeat)

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Yeerk biology and culture is wicked wild man.

I love that the first book was comprised of children getting powers and then immediately taking on a challenge they weren't prepared for and losing; they save one person, but it costs an Animorph and the element of surprise. Second book they readjust and set their sights on a more attainable goal, "Find a new entrance", and they... still fail, but they learn a little and don't give any ground. It feels like a slightly more real learning curve. If I remember correctly, the team more or less just fails, scratch that, learns for a few more books before they really have their morphin' legs under them.

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