It is hard for me to believe that the Bianca that wrote this hadn't yet been poisoned by the great bean dad controversy of 2021.

I love the idea of our big bad just standing still as hard as he can, waiting to be big and bad, and that we then double down on the joke with the Animorphs standing behind him just waiting. It's so fucking Scooby Doo and I am absolutely here for it.

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Happy New Years!

I gotta say, I agree that this feels filler, but the addition of a desert area completely dethroned my peg of Dover, DE as their spot (despite Safeway being an east coast thing??) (and there is an air base in Dover). Applegate hasn’t thwarted me yet.

Aliens are 110% real and I truly and honestly believe that they probably think earth humans are too self-destructive to interact with us on a personal level. Some day tho.

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We have Safeways on this coast too! Well in Washington and Oregon at least.

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Really??? ,,,,, 🤔 hm. Much to consider.

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